Gratis fiscaal en juridisch advies, nieuwe inzichten opdoen?
Speciaal voor startups en scaleups.

Join digitaal op 29 oktober, Young Deloitte Legal en Tax lab.



14:50h Walk In
15:00h Keynote speaker 
15:30h Break
15:45h Workshop
16:30h Break
16:30h Private brainstorming session
17:15h Online networking



Choose your workshops

Devence, Building Responsible Businesses:
We would like to help you to become a responsible business with a foundation that is ready for sustainable growth. Proving trust, credibility and resilience towards society, clients, employees, investors and regulators. Companies of today will become more and more technology driven. And where companies grow, so does complexity, distraction and level of risk. We would like to talk with you about data privacy, data security, data quality, digital ethics, regulatory compliance and financial reporting of your data. To help you doing responsible business to sustain and grow.

Stock option rights:
For most start-or scale ups the eventual goal is to grow, thrive and cash. However, the choices you make in the beginning of your entrepreneurial careers can have big tax consequences. During this workshop, you will learn what you as  shareholder of your start-up should take into account and what options you have when setting-up your start- or scale up.

Design thinking/ storytelling:
With a completely different world, come new problems. In this workshop you will gain insight in Design Thinking: a new methodology for solving problems which focusses on the actual need of your clients. Also you will gain insight into the art of storytelling which is now very important to (digitally) bring your message across to your clients.

Raising funds during COVID-19:
One thing that most start-ups have in common: a need for funding. With COVID-19, the rules of the game for raising funds have been changed in various ways. In this workshop you will gain insight into the rules of the game when it comes down to raising funds. What are the do’s and don’ts and what is the impact of COVID-19?

Your private brainstorming session
Additional to the workshops we provide you an interactive private brainstorming session totally focused on your business. The brainstorming session will be prepared based on your input upfront and are aimed to give you a quick start on your tax and legal position.





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